Friday, December 7, 2012

Bamboo: Revisited and Revised

In my first blog post "Bamboo Bills helping the world environmentally", I made several points to why bamboo would be a great form of currency. My opinion is the same as it was at the beginning at the semester; however, more revised. Bamboo would be an excellent idea to create currency and more. Firstly, it can be mass produced; it takes about 60-90 days for bamboo to fully mature. Bamboo is also grown globally so it could potentially be used as a global currency instead of having different names and numbers for different currencies for each country. It's tough stalk would be hard to make currency, I do admit, but I believe if a machine that was designed to cut the bamboo to make dollar bills, money shortages would not exist. Not only could bamboo be used for just currency; it can be utilized to save the world environmentally. Bamboo can replace wood because of the rapid growth compared to a regular tree. The bamboo can also take up to 12 tons of carbon dioxide and release more oxygen (by 35%) than a standard tree. Bamboo is also great for the soil and an amazing windbreaker. And lastly, bamboo can be reused for many things such as making bikes, desks, plates, and more.

Hopefully, everyone who reads this will consider this idea. Who knows, maybe in a couple years, American currency will not feel like cloth but more sturdy and smell of bamboo. Every country has once explored how to make currency work in the past. What have we got to lose?

Many of my information came from "Growing Bamboo for Money  And Healthy Environment". If you would like to read more here is the link:  

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